Belt Maintenance Tools

Basic Conveyor Belt Repair Tools

Lifting – A belt lifter safely lifts and holds a tensioned conveyor belt to prepare it for safe repair.

Clamping– Engineered belt clamps are specifically designed to properly secure a belt and clamp it for safe belt conveyor maintenance.

Cutting – Belt cutters minimize the danger of accidental injury during the belt cutting process, providing a safer, faster, and more accurate option for cutting a belt than a utility knife.

Skiving– Belt skivers remove the top cover of conveyor belts for installation of recessed splices in a safer manner than using knives by using and enclosed blade.

Endless Splicing Systems

Endless belt splicing creates strong, long-lasting splices through heat, pressure, and/or chemical bonding, for a truly seamless splice.

Endless Conveyor Belt Splicing Tools:

  • Finger punch– a mechanical finger tool designed to punch fingers into conveyor belts in preparation for installing an endless splice.

  • Ply separator – a tool used to cut between the plies of the conveyor belt during belt splice preparation.

  • Splice press– a tool used to join belt ends together through heat and pressure. For best results, choose a splice press that works with your type of belting, whether it is PU, PVC, or monolithic.